Sunday, February 17, 2013

Aliens: Colonial Marines Review

Aliens: Colonial Marines is finally out after about seven years in development and now it's time to find out if it's a stand up fight or just another bug hunt. Colonial Marines picks up some seventeen weeks after Aliens where a group of marines who have received a distress call from Cpl. Dwayne Hicks,  are sent out to investigate the Sulaco which has mysteriously found itself back above LV-426. Once aboard the Sulaco things quickly go to hell when your squad runs into xenos and Weyland Yutani soldiers, which eventually leads to you being back at Hadley's Hope. This all leads to the most obvious twist and the biggest none ending I've seen in gaming after an atrocious boss battle. But none of the story really matter because it's all just an excuse to bring you filled a nostalgia filled romp, such as half of Bishops body and Newts doll. But this is all good for about the first hour but revisiting things from the movie can only get you so far. The only thing that they've nailed is the sound design, the pulse rifle sounds exactly like it should. Once the nostalgia wears off all your left with is a mediocre shooter that looks like it's ten years old, it's really just filled with things that have been done in games before and frankly a hell of a lot better.

This game comes with some truly awful AI, I don't remember the Aliens in the movie just standing in one spot and letting themselves get mowed down by pulse rifle rounds. Aren't the Aliens supposed to be the perfect hunters, these aliens just stand there and die in four shots. This diffuses any sense of tension this game has knowing that the xenos are so severely under powered. The game also suffers from quiet a few glitches my favorite being that every once in awhile the gun in your hands just disappears, but it's not just limited to that you'll also have the occasional enemy that teleports and you'll also quiet frequently clip through objects.  To break up the pace of just shooting xenomophs you'll also find yourself gunning down Weyland Yutani soldiers, a few clunky power loader sequences, and one horrid stealth sequence. If you are compelled to play this you also have some collectibles to get like audio logs (which don't add anything to alien lore), Weapons from the movies like Hicks' shotgun and Hudson's pulse rifle, and dog tags of the characters in the movie. You can also play the whole campaign in 4 player coop but this really adds nothing and just serves to make the already easy campaign easier.

And once you get through all of that we get to the multiplayer where even more problems arise. The multiplayer consists of two squads one of marines and one of aliens squaring off in multiplayer modes that range from traditional team death match to a left for dead like mode called escape, but the multiplayer modes are all just really boring. Also the aliens are still under powered in the multiplayer, so they still can't catch a break. This partly comes from the fact that you can level up your colonial marine during the single player so when you jump into multiplayer your "state of the bad-ass art".

What this game comes down to is one bad generic shooting sequence after another. So Gearbox was trying to make alien 3 look like a better movie and I'm here to say that they have succeeded, but probably not in the way they intended.


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